Thursday, October 19, 2017

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Giant Worm GIF

Earthquake drills are being practiced all across the country (#ShakeOut), just remember that 99.9% of the time the cause of an earthquake is not a giant worm like creature pushing through the top soil.

That being said, please be prepared for that 0.01%.  Drop, Cover, and Hold On is not the correct strategy when faced with these kind of quakes.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Werewolf Transofrmation GIF

One of the sexiest werewolf transformations of all time!

Tales From The Cryptkeeper - Vampires hate garlic GIF

What are the pros and cons of dating a Vampire?:

  • Relationships can last forever
  • Lives for the night life
  • Multiple lifetimes of experience
  • Immune to all diseases
  • Amazing stamina
  • Loves to neck
  • Food cost savings
  • Never have to deal with garlic breath
  • No more sunrises or sunsets
  • Terrible at tanning
  • Hates flash photography
  • Tough to do your makeup
  • Other stuff

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Shockmaster Werewolf GIF

So you're the man the rules the world? They call me The Shockmaster! You've ruled the world long enough Sid Vicious! Get ready, come on! You want a piece of me?! You want a piece of me?! Come and get me, come after me Sid! I'm ready! Along with Davey Boy, Sting, and Dusty Rhodes, we'll see you at the fall brawl, at the War Games! Until then.... howls maniacally.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

David Puddy - Devils Facepaint GIF

It's early in the season, Devils are a young team expected to finish close to the bottom of the Eastern Conference, but so long as David Puddy believes, there's a chance this team can shock some people.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Vampire Garlic Reaction GIF

My reaction every time I bite into a chunk of garlic.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Melvin Smiles GIF

I lied, Melvin has the best smile of all time!

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - William smile and nod GIF

Since it's World Smile Day, figured sharing William's beautiful grin made perfect sense.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Tales From the Cryptkeeper - Ghost Painting GIF

I don't like ghosts, they're spooky, and I don't respond well to spooky behaviour.

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Cat butt GIF

Tales from the Cryptkeeper was ahead of their time in regards to cat memes.

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Terrible Driver GIF

We all have that one friend who will drive over the obstacle rather than go around it.

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Basketball low fives GIF

Sometimes the animation of Tales from the Cryptkeeper was the best part. That face at the end!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Vince McMahon walk GIF

Turns out Vince McMahon was a Tales From the Cryptkeeper fan, no chance in hell that the angry museum curator isn't his Vince Walk inspiration.

Tales From the Cryptkeeper - Human bones back scratcher GIF

The perfect GIF for when your back scratcher is made of human bones but you're still a fisherman on his way to work.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Apple GIF

Let's have the Cryptkeeper eat an apple so he looks like more of an...

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Angry Camp Counselor GIF

Remember when angry camp counselors were all the rage!?!?!?!? Get it?

Monday, October 2, 2017

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Video Game Alien Thumbs Up GIF

Other than the Chuck Norris from Dodgeball GIF, this is the best Thumbs Up GIF ever made.

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Video Game Alien Finger Wiggle GIF

Figured Alien trash talk would be more advanced than wiggling their fingers in front of their face.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Shadow Puppet GIF

Just going to upload GIFs from the Tales from the Cryptkeeper cartoon all October long

Happy Halloween Month